e The existing skeleton is developed into the space organizing mechanism meant to operate in accordance with the gradual introduction of varied public uses. Multitude of circulation routes is formed according to the intricate web of way finding rules and orientation related matter. Proposed form is generated ambiguously, via growth strategy, offering itself as a platform to which further architectural strategy may be employed and then extended to the surrounding buildings.
s Postojeci konstruktivni skelet je osnova za novu prostornu organizaciju postepenog uvodjenja javnih namena. Veliki broj pesackih komunikacija je organizovan prema mogucnostima nalazenja adekvatne putanje i stalnog osecaja orijentacije u prostoru. Predlozena forma je abstraktna; zasnovana je na strategiji stalnog rasta i ima ulogu baze na kojoj je moguce razviti kompletnu arhitektonsku strategiju.