Posted by Ruzica Jovanovic 16 Feb 11

1011M4 RJ

The initial idea was to develop a system that is modular, and at the same  time, a system that does not enforce repetition, like most modular systems do, but on the contrary, endorses differentiation of space, allowing for different qualities of space inside of it. Proposed module, the dodecahedron, is load bearing  and multiplied to support the membrane of the building which provides a diversity of spaces inside, suitable for different and variable usage that depends on the needs of the artists and vitors. Such system divides the space roughly on ateliers for artists, placed in the dodecahedrons, and exhibition space. The proposed structure is just one manifestation of this modular, yet differentiated system. Since the structure is fast and easy to build, it leaves the possibility to apply  the same, recognizable system on different locations all over the city, according to the strategy of cultural development.

Inicijalna ideja bila je ostvariti modularan sistem koji ne bi uslovljavao repeticiju prostora, već bi dozvolio diferencijaciju prostora različitih kvaliteta. Modul, za koji je uzet nepravilan dodekaedar, se odnosi samo na konstrukciju, dok opna koju nosi, omogućava raznovrsnost prostora koji su pogodni za različite i promenljive upotrebe, zavisno od  trenutog projekta i potreba umetnika. Ovakav sistem unutrasnji prostor okvirno deli na ateljee, smeštene u dodekaedrima , i izlagački prostor, ostavljajući fleksibilnu granicu između. Predložena struktura je samo jedan vid manifestacije ovog modularnog, ali diferenciranog, sistema. Moguće je predivideti aplikaciju istog sistema, na različitim lokacijama u gradu u okviru osmišljene strategije razvoja kulture i umetnosti.

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