Posted by Snezana Zlatkovic 18 Jul 11

1011M5 SZ


Metropol, project of the Modernism, at the same time deteriorated by the contemporary investors, posed many questions about the way to intervene upon it. The old is clearly separated from the new. The existing structure of the building is used for student living units. Newly formed towers are inserted into the object creating common spaces with different functions. They are united in one inner layer, and then each of them is continued by forming one student room per one level.  These towers become the new silhouette of the city, the main concept of the project. The goal was to create not one single and correct solution,  but an open system in which they can function together in a larger or smaller number controlling the angles along which they are deformed above the existing building. The only rule is to create simple and functional communication lines and inside spaces oriented towards all four sides of the world.


Metropol, kao projekat moderne, a istovremeno degradiran od strane investitora otvarao je mnogobrojna pitanja na koji način treba intervenisati. Staro se jasno razdvaja od novog. Postavljena struktura objekta se koristi za studentske sobe. Novonastale kule zadiru u objekat gde formiraju zajedničke prostore sa različitim sadržajima, potom se objedinjuju u međusloju, i na kraju nastavljaju tako da svaka etaža postaje jedna studentska soba. One postaju nova silueta grada, osnovna crta projekta. Cilj je bio da se pokaže da ne postoji jedno rešenje, već da se napravi sistem u kome one mogu da funkcionišu u većem ili manjem broju, kontrolišući uglove pod kojim se savijaju izvan strukture Metropola tako da se komunikacija sprovede na jednostavan način i da ostanu četvorostano orijentisane.















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