Posted by Ivana Radovic 02 Feb 12

1112M4 IR

Contemporary technology, new ways of communication and finding informations contributed to a different understanding of the concept of a library. The initial idea was to create space that is adaptable to changes and modern needs of library users. Horizontal strips represent mechanism of library that are banding, forming openings and shelves in relation to volume of books. This enables the transformation and expansion of the library over the years, where the transformation is rather flexible and unpredictable, because it can move in different directions (the rule of  analog or digital technology). The proposed solution is just one of all possible interpretations of the behavior of mechanism.

Savremena tehnologija, novi načini komunikacije i dolaženja do informacija doprineli su drugačijem razumevanju pojma biblioteke. Osnovna ideja je bila stvoriti prostor koji je prilagodljiv savremenim promenama i potrebama korisnika prostora. Horizontalne trake  predstavljaju mehanizam biblioteke koje se krive, formiraju otvore i police u odnosu na kapacitet knjiga. Ovim se omogućava transformacija i širenje biblioteke tokom godina, gde je transformacija prilično fleksibilna i nepredvidiva jer može da se kreće u više pravaca (vladavina knjiga ili digitalne tehnologije). Predloženo rešenje predstavlja samo jedno od mogućih interpretacija i ponašanja mehanizma.


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