Breathing Architecture
Testing of the formation of the material structure enabled the creation of ideas about building which functions as a non-linear system. People who live in the building as pattern, forming the dynamics of the building independently, and simultaneously influence each other and other neighbors. Building can be seen as a system that includes all units and acts as a natural system (orientation, position, growth and dimming of units). /// System units “capsules” can change their volume and area, depending on the needs of users. The user thus becomes the agent that manages each part of the system, which then affects the entire image of the building as a nonlinear system. The center of object of 6 meters (which takes up 1/3 of the building), serves as a structure that takes the system of units on its surface. Capsules, that have the possibility of increasing, may contribute to a significant increase in usable space of object and apartments. /// Building through system of capsules becomes a part of the natural system. Capsules are made up of transparent material which doesn’t allow users to have a sense of living in a close space (psychological level), yet, thay become a part of the new way of life (life on the ground, in the trees, standing in the sky). Impact on other users, moving, transforming, view, … gets a new dialog and dynamics of living.
Arhitektura disanja
Ispitivanje formiranja strukture materijala omogucila je kreiranje ideje o objektu koji funkcionise kao nelinearan sistem. Osobe koje zive u objektu kao paternu, nezavisno formiraju dinamiku objekta, a uporedo medjusobno uticu i na druge susede . Objekat moze da se posmatra kao sistem koji ukljucuje sve jedinice i ponasa se kao prirodni sistem (orijentacija, polozaj, rast i zagusenje jedinica). /// Jedinice sistema “kapsule” mogu da menjaju svoju povrsinu i zapreminu, sto zavisi od potreba korisnika. Korisnik na taj nacin postaje agent koji upravlja jednim delom sistema, koji dalje utice na celu sliku objekta kao nelinearnog sistema. Srediste objekta sirine 6m ( koje zauzima 1/3 povrsine), sluzi kao struktura koja poprima jedinice na svojoj povrsini. Kapsule koje imaju mogucnost povecanja mogu doprineti do znatnog povecanja korisnog prostora objekta i stanova. /// Objekat preko sistema kapsula postaje deo prirodnog sistema. Kapsule koje su sacinjene od providnog materijala omogucavaju da korisnici nemaju osecaj zivota u zatvorenom prostoru (psiholoska granica), vec postaju deo novog nacina zivota (zivot na tlu, u krosnji, stajanje na nebu). Uticajem na druge korisnike, pomeranjem, transformacijom, vizurom,… dobija se novi dijalog i dinamika stanovanja.
Urban shemes
Housing structure diagrams
Section BB
Base planes (floors 21,22,23,24)
Sections AA, BB
Detailed section