Posted by Marija Pop-Mitic 16 Jul 13

1213M9 MPM

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This line of study is based on the analysis of open systems and their application in architectural design of adaptive spaces. The research is based on interaction of biology and architecture, and the concept of open systems is perceived as the beginning of the biological paradigm in architecture. The work aims to provide a specific perception of the space and the program. Throughout this study, architecture is perceived as a dynamic system, which is in constant interaction and unbreakable bond with the dynamics of its environment, culture and society.

Similarly to the previously described infrastructural approach, this outlook on architecture and design is juxtaposed against the mechanistic approach. Acknowledging the problem of mechanistic approach aims to establish a different view of space, and architecture, so that it could be viewed as a process or a dynamic system which is the cause and consequence of the phenomena and occurring processes. The goal of the research is to design adaptive spaces which allow structural change through time, depending on the needs of the user. Space becomes the interaction of two systems in which each of the systems is unique, but cannot function independently of the other one. The interaction of the two systems erases clear boundaries between them. In this way, any object or to say any building resulting from this approach is observed as a phase event or a field of action.


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Ovaj rad se zasniva na analizi otvorenih sistema i njihovoj primeni u arhitektonskom projektovanju adaptivnih prostora. Istraživanje se zasniva na približavanju biologije i arhitekture, odnosno, koncept otvorenih sistema se posmatra kao početak biološke paradigme u arhitekturi. Kroz rad se teži da se prostor, program, arhitektura uopšte, sagleda kao dinamičan sistem, koji je u stalnoj interakciji i neraskidivoj vezi sa dinamikom okruženja, kulture, društva…

Pogled na arhitekturu i projektovanje je suprotstavljen u odnosu na mehanistički pristup. Uviđanjem problema takvog pristupa teži se da se približi drugačiji stav o prostoru, i da se arhitektura posmatra kao proces, odnosno dinamičan sistem koji je uzrok i posledica pojava i procesa koji se odvijaju. Cilj istraživanja jeste da se projektovanjem adaptivnih prostora stvore uslovi da se struktura menja u toku vremena na osnovu potreba korisinika. Prostor je interakcija dva sistema, u kome je svaki sistem autonoman, ali ne može da funkcioniše bez drugog, a dok se interakcijom dva sistema gubi jasna granica između njih. Na taj način objekat postaje polje delovanja, odnosno u isto vreme njegova pojavnost se sagledava kao program, struktura, konstrukcija, arhitektura.

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