Osnovna zamisao projekta zasniva se na razumevanju savremenog plesa kao discipline i prostora namenjenog njemu, koji ne treba da bude ograničen, već da odiše otvorenošću i protočnošću. Iz takve ideje proizilazi struktura koju karakteriše veliki broj komunikacija koje pružaju veći broj mogućnosti slobodnijeg kretanja u samom objektu. Istraživanjem odnosa komunikacija i ostalih površina i njihovom transformacijom dobijena su dva centralna jezgra koja u daljoj razradi postaju i osnovna tema projekta. Njihova uloga je jasno definisana, a sačinjavaju ih neki od osnovnih sadržaja svake plesne škole poput plesnih studija, učionica, biblioteke, čitaonice. Ideja jeste da jezgra pored funkcionalne uloge imaju i značajan formalni karakter koji čitavom prostoru objekta daje nekakvu drugu dimenziju.
The main idea of project is based on understanding a contemporary dance as a discipline and a space for it, which should not be limited, but defined as open and free flowing. Structure is created as a result of such thinking, and it is characterized as a large number of communications that provides more potential movement in the building. By researching a relationship between communications and other surfaces and by its transformation, two central cores were created which has become the main theme of project. Their role is clearly defined and they are consisted of some basic content that every dancing school has, like dancing studios, classrooms, library and a reading room. Idea is that these cores should not only have a functional role, but a significant formal character that gives a whole new dimension to the space.