Ideja projekta zasniva se na formiranju grupacija objekata stanovanja koja, osim stambenog dela, sadrži i strukturu koja objedinjuje sve zajedničke aktivnosti koje se odigravaju na prostoru partera. Objekat se raslojava na platforme i komunikacije i prerasta u strukturu gde su negde jasno definisane funkcije i namena, dok se na drugim mestima mogu uočiti samo smernice i okviri za dalji razvoj aktivnosti i ambijenta. U svojim segmentima objekat poprima oblike terena i pejzaža – forma vazdušastog brda – preko usitnjenih delova strukture biljni pokrivač se spušta ka terenu.
The idea of the project is based on the formation of groups of buildings, which, in addition to the housing part, contains a structure that encompasses all the common activities that take place on the ground between the objects. The building is layered in the form of platforms and communication and it grew into a structure where there are sometimes clearly defined functions and purpose, while in other there are only guidelines and framework for further development of the activities and the environment. In its segment the building takes shape of the terrain and landscape – form of airy hills – over smaller parts of the structure, plants are gradually lowered to the ground.
Stanari mogu da koriste prostore različitog nivoa privatnosti – od stanova sa privatnim terasama, preko zajedničkih prostora koji su formirani na platformama objekta, do polujavnih i javnih prostora organizovanih u sklopu strukture. Sam objekat dobija svoj smisao u onom trenutku kada struktura oživi – potrebno je da stanovnici bloka unesu život i duh u čitav sklop in a taj način struktura objedinjuje čitavu zajednicu i sa stambenim blokom počinje da funkcioniše kao sistem.
Tenants can use space of different levels of privacy – from apartments with private terraces, over the common areas, which are formed on the platforms of the building, to semi-public and public spaces organized within the structure. The building gets its meaning in the moment the structure comes to life – it is necessary for residents to bring life and spirit to the structure which unites the entire community.
Stanovi su orijentisani jednostrano i ta fasada je potpuno zastakljena i obezbeđena zastorima kako bi svaki stan imao optimalnu količinu svetlosti i mogućnost provetravanja. Druga, unutrašnja, fasada objekta, služi kao polazište za formiranje strukture kroz platforme i komunikaciju, pa se samim tim dnevni prostori stana orijentišu ka otvorenoj fasadi. Koncept projekta zasnovan je na ideji o jačanju zajednice, tako da je akcenat na velikoj količini zajedničkih prostora koji su dostupni svim stanarima.
The apartments are oriented towards a glass facade which is provided with protective shades so that every apartment has optimum amount of light and the possibility of ventilation. The second, internal, facade, serves as a starting point for the formation of structure through platforms and communication. Therefore, living rooms of the apartment are oriented towards an open facade. The project concept is based on the idea of strengthening the community, so the emphasis is on the large amount of common space available to all tenants.