Posted by Milena Andric 03 Jul 16

1516SP4 MA


Projekat za fokus uzima temu približavanja objekta terenu, odnosno, njegovo oponašanje topografije koja nije karakteristična za datu lokaciju, kako bi kontekst oplemenio novim vrednostima. Spuštanjem objekta, odnosno izdizanjem terena, ističe se veza izmedju objekta i prostora koji ga okružuje. Padovi su formirani tako da otvaraju vizure i povećavaju stepen insolacije objekata. Ovim putem, stvara se utisak dostupnosti i kreira instanca kretanja. Grupisanjem 2, 3 ili 4 objekta formira se centralni prostor, čvorište, odnosno početna tačka izdizanja volumena. Ovaj centralni prostor ima za cilj da grupiše i akumulira sve aktivnosti prisutne na lokaciji, koje se odatle dalje prenose na ozelenjene krovove objekata, čime se stvara serija manjih prostora za okupljanje stanovnika.

Highlight of this project is on bringing the built structure closer to the ground, while making it mimic the terrain type which is not common for the given location, all in favor of enriching the context with new values. By gradually reducing the building height, while raising the surrounding terrain, connection between these two comes into focus. Slopes are designed in such manner that they open the view perspective and increase the neighbor buildings insolation. This way, it creates the impression of accessibility and generates the instance of movement. By grouping 2, 3 or 4 units, central open space emerges, the junction, the starting point of said slopes. The point of this space is in grouping and accumulating all activities in the surroundings, and transfer them to buildings green rooftops, therefore creating series of smaller spaces for gathering of residents.





Stanovi su orijentisani jednostrano ka unutrašnjem dvorištu. Na toj fasadi javljaju se otvorene i zatvorene privatne terase koje određuju pokretni paneli, što omogućava promenljiv izgled fasade na koji utiču sami korisnici. Na drugoj fasadi akcenat na otvorenoj komunikaciji.

Each of the apartments is facing the inner courtyard. On this facade we have open and closed private balconies that are defined by movable panels, which provide a playful facade influenced by residents needs. The other facade contains open communication elements.

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Uvođenjem rampi u projekat dodatno se naglašava postepeno spuštanje objekta i njegova povezanost sa terenom. Rampama se uspostavlja komunikacija prostora trga i svake pojedinačne etaže, kao i zelene površine krova. Odavde je moguće ponovno spuštanje stepenicama do početne tačke, trga, ili do neke od etaža, formirajući vid kružnog kretanja.

By implementing the ramps we additionally highlight the progressive building height reduction and its connection with the ground level. Ramps establish the connection between pedestrian square and each of the building levels and also with the green roof square. From here, it is possible to descend by stairs, to the starting point, or any of the levels, forming a way of circular motion.



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