Posted by Marija Pop-Mitic 02 Feb 12

1112M4 MPM

Changed way of communication has led to new uses of space. The library is now transformed into an interactive space, a space for communication and socialization, thus losing the basic features of the standard library. It becomes an open, flexible space, reflecting a different relationship between people, and different attitude towards the book. A space is created  where there is blending of both programmes and physical size. This was achieved by a system platforms and their connections, with each platform located at a different height, connected with the others with  3 types of stairs, which are not only a communication, but an extension of the program. This organization enables openness, connectivity, accessibility, diversity … Thus, the entire space is  seen as a network which remains open  to be used as needed at particular time.

Promena načina komunikacije dovela je do nove upotrebe prostora. Biblioteka se danas transformiše u interaktivan prostor, prostor za komunikaciju i socijalizaciju, gubeći osnovna obeležja standardne biblioteke.  Ona postaje otvoren, fleksibilan prostor, kao odraz drugačijeg odnosa ljudi, kako prema knjizi, tako i međusobno. Nastaje prostor u kome dolazi do  slivanja, kako u programskom, tako i u fizičkom smislu. To  je postignuto sistemom podesta i njihovih veza, gde se svaki podest nalazi na različitoj visini, i međusobno je povezan sa 3 tipa stepeništa, koji nisu samo komunikacija, već produžetak programa. Ovakvom ogranizacijom omogućena  je  otvorenost, povezanost, dostupnost, raznovrsnost… Tako se ceo prostor doživljava kao mreža koja ostaje otvorena za način korišćenja kakav je potreban u određenom vremenu.

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