The initial intent was to retain the existing atmosphere and to express it through the project itself by introducing the phenomenon of the beach into the institute. And so the “institute” and the “beach” are formulated as initial typologies that polarize the space in between, creating fields filled with transitional types. These types are exhibited in a series of different situations more inclined towards the phenomenon of the beach or the institute. Moving through this field, an individual can experience space through the understanding of differences between these situations, all the while generating an understanding of one typology while moving through it’s opposite. The spatial dynamics of the enveloped space are expressed through the movement of people in relation to their current needs for either recreation or education or both. These needs ultimately determine which spaces people are likely to seek out, searching for the position in the field most suitable to their current combination of needs. The information needed to understand what kind of a situation is to be expected at a certain location, is supplied by the structures that inhabit it, since they themselves inherit the dynamic nature of the entire field, changing over time and exhibiting this change in a way that can be perceived by the user.
Početna namera je bila da se postojeća atmosfera izrazi i kroz projekat uključujući u temu instituta i fenomen plaže kao pojavnosti koja generiše atmosferu i ambijent koji se već naslućuju na lokalitetu. Tako se “institut” i “plaža” javljaju kao početne tipologije koje polarizuju prostor između sebe stvarajući polja ispunjena prelaznim tipovima. Ovi tipovi se ispoljavaju preko niza različitih situacija u manjoj ili većoj meri naklonjenim “plaži” ili “institutu”. Krećući se kroz ovo polje pojedinac može da iskusi prostor kroz razumevanje suprotnosti između ovih situacija, tako stalno ostvarujući svest o jednom tipu, dok se kreće u okviru drugog, njemu suprotnog. Dinamika prostora koji je obuhvaćen izražava se kroz kretanje ljudi u odnosu na njihove trenutne potrebe za rekreacijom i/ili rekreacijom. Ove potrebe tako determinišu koje prostore će ljudi trebati, tražeći mesto u polju koje najviše odgovara njihovoj trenutnoj kombinaciji potreba. Informacije koje su neophodne da bi se razumelo kakva situacija se može očekivati na određenoj lokaciji, dolaze od struktura koje se na toj lokaciji nalaze, obzirom da i one same nasleđuju dinamičku prirodu čitavog polja, menjajući se tokom vremena i ispoljavajući ovu promenu tako da je korisnik može percipirati.
Hydrogel/TimeLapse from Aleksandar Bursac on Vimeo.
Experimental architectural model done using the absorbent properties of hydrophilic SAP (super absorbent) polymers. Time lapse of water absorption processes in a balloon within a 4-hour time frame.
Tags: Distributed Space, Field