The aim of this work is to explore if the concept of soft nonlinear systems can be applied within the field of architecture. If we would recognize properties of the soft nonlinear system such as: dynamics, capacity to manage and process the move, changes and diversity, their parts are inseparable from the whole, hierarchy, constant changes which manifest new properties, sensibility; the goal would be to explore the way such properties, primarily non architectural, could manifest through architectural program and form.The project theme is cookery which changes the perception of food, as a part of the system which includes: production, storage, cooking, serving, consuming and recycling of food. Landscape form, will be designed to incorporate all such activities into one system, making them work as a whole.
Cilj rada je da istraži na koji način se osobine mekih nelinearnih sistema, mogu primeniti unutar delokruga arhitekture. Ako bismo izdvojili osobine mekog nelinearnog sistema kao što su: dinamičnost, kapacitet za upravljanjem i procesuiranjem pokreta, promene i različitosti, osobina da su delovi sistema nerazdvojni od celine, hijerarhijsko uređenje, konstantne promene koje ispoljavaju nove osobine, osetljivost; cilj bi bio istražiti na koji način ove osobine, primarno nearhitektonske, mogu da se manifestuju kroz arhitektonski program i arhitektonsku formu. Tema rada je kulinarstvo koje menja percepciju o hrani, posmatrajući obrok samo kao deo sistema koji podrazumeva: proizvodnju sirovina, skladištenje, pripremu, serviranje, konzumiranje i reciklažu hrane. Forma pejsaža ima ulogu da obuhvati ovakve aktivnosti u jedan sistem koji funkcioniše kao celina.
Thee Epigenatic Landscape © (1957) Geo Allen & Unwin. via Sanford Kwinter, Soft System01996.
- Sanford Kwinter, Soft Systems, in B. Boigon, ed. Culture Lab No1. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1996.
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- Miodrag Mitrašinović, Total Landscape, Theme Parks, Public Space, Burlington, Ashgate Publishing, Limited, 2006.