Posted by Mila Pantelic 30 Sep 18

1718M04 MP



Nove tehnologije i savremeni način protoka informacija i znanja omogućili su da sve više ljudi obavlja svoje radne zadatke na mestima do skora nezamislivim za rad. Radno mesto je podrazumevalo fiksni radni sto, stolicu i lampu u funkcionalno odvojenim prostorijama zidovima ili pregradama. Novo radno okruženje je mnogo više od toga, to je slobodan prostor koji omogućava slobodu odabira mesta, odabira stepena udobnosti, kućni komfor, opuštenost kafića, mogućnost timskog  rada i nesmetani celodnevni boravak.

New technologies and the modern ways of information and knowledge flow have made more and more people perform their work tasks in places that were until recently considered almost inconceivable for work. The workplace implied a fixed desk, a chair and a lamp in functionally separated rooms divided by walls or bulkheads. The new working environment is much more than that, it is an open space that allows freedom of movement, home comfort, relaxing cafe like environment, the possibility of team work and uninterrupted all-day stay.



Na parceli veličine stambenog bloka u centralnom gradskom jezgru organizovan je radni prostor tehnološki inovativne budućnosti. To pretpostavlja  dnevne, nedeljne i mesečne promene broja i strukture korisnika. Prilaz objektu je sa glavne raskrsnice ali povučen uz formiranje manjeg trga.  Visina objekta ne prelazi 30m tj. visinu stambenih objekata u susednim blokovima.


Working space of the technologically innovative future is organized on a lot in the center of the city which is the size of a housing block. This assumes daily, weekly, and monthly changes in the number and the structure of users. The approach to the building is from the main intersection but is pulled back and therefore forms a small square. The height of the object does not exceed 30m, which is the height of the neighboring building.



Konstruktivni elementi – zidna platna pomažu da se formiraju jedinstveni, dinamični prostori,sa velikim mogućnostima organizovanja različitih sadržaja na svim nivoima a njihove boje postaju reperi u orijentaciji korisnika.

Od parking mesta, niza organizovanih radnih prostora, sa savremenom opremom za rad i komunikaciju preko udobnih mesta za aktivni i pasivni odmor, ishranu, osveženje, do prostora za radionice, predavanja, izložbe, team buildinge, brainstorminge, hackathone… sve može da učini ovaj objekat epicentrom savremenog poslovanja.

Constructive elements – wall cloths help to create unique, dynamic spaces with great possibilities of organizing different contents at all levels and their colors become benchmarks in user orientation.
From parking spots and a set of organized work spaces with modern work and communication equipment through comfortable places for active and passive breaks, food and refreshment stations, up to workshop, lecture, exhibition, team building, brainstorming, hackathon spaces … everything can make this facility the epicenter of modern business.



U cilju iznalaženja mogućnosti organizovanja neformalnog poslovanja projektovan je prostor koji omogućava radnu i kreativnu atmosferu. To u budućnosti podrazumeva tanku liniju između prostora za rad, opuštanje, druženje i komunikaciju. Akcenat celog projekta je na spontanom toku, nesmetanom protoku korisnika i informacija.

In order to find the possibility of organizing informal business, a space is created to provide working and creative atmosphere. In the future, this implies a thin line between work space, relaxing area, socializing and communications. The accent of the whole project is on spontaneous flow, unhindered flow of users and information.



S obzirom na prometne saobraćajnice (buku i zagađenje vazduha), orijentacija sadržaja je ka unutrašnjosti bloka, a inspirativno i inovativno okruženje formiraju dinamično organizovani traktovi koji su postavljeni oko više manjih atrijuma. Svaki nivo ima drugačije ambijente koji se mogu grupisati ili izolovati. Svaka komunikacija je deo funkcionalne celine koju formiraju korisnici. Open space radni prostor se proširuje na stepeništa, pasarele i terase.

Considering the traffic roads (noise and air pollution) the orientation of the content is towards the interior of the block, whereas the inspirational and innovative environment is formed around dynamically organized tracts that are positioned around several smaller atriums. Each level has different ambiences that can be grouped or isolated. Each communication is a part of a functional entity formed by users. Open space workspace extends to stairs, passageways and terraces.



Više atrijuma omogućavaju ravnomerniji pristup osvetljenja, prirodnu ventilaciju, razvoj vegetacije i pristupne komunikacije. Atrijumi su mesta vizuelne relaksacije i duhovne dekontaminacije. Oni unose ne samo svetlosnu već i radnu energiju. Atrijumi su veza sa okolinom preko lanterni i bočnih otvora na fasadi između kojih se postiže strujanje vazduha. Fasada prati potrebe prostora za osvetljajem i zasenčenjem pokretnim  perforiranim zastorima. Sa krova se prikuplja kišnica za održavanje zelenila.

More atriums allow for an equal approach of lighting, natural ventilation, vegetation development and access communication. Atriums are places of visual relaxation and spiritual decontamination. They bring not only light but also working energy. Atriums are the connection to the environment through lantern and side openings on the facade between which the air flow is achieved. The facade meets the needs of space for lighting and shading with movable perforated curtains. Rainwater is collected from the roof to maintain greenery.








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