1314M9 Master Thesis

Posted by Olga Marelja 28 Apr 14

Gene banks are a type of bio-repository, designed and built preserve genetic material. In an effort to conserve agricultural biodiversity, gene banks are used to store and conserve plant genetic resources. Their archives are made of seed stockings and contain plant segments in freezing conditions. This project will investigate the form and program of any such institution to be erected at rim of Zvezdara Forest in Belgrade.  The design intent is to create entirely new ecosystem, capable to operate  as an extension of the existing surroundings but also as an  autonomous and entirely protected environment.
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Posted by Sara Kostic 28 Apr 14

This projects explores the notion of hunger and tires to establish its meaning within architecture.  Initially, the hunger is understood as a physical sensation of desiring food. It presents change within the system caused by the lack of nutrition and an impulse to resolve any such condition. In architectural terms, hunger may be understood as an impulse to change built environment. In architecture, the equivalent of starvation would be an empty space, a void. This projects investigates if notion of hunger may have positive connotation in structuring space; if users’ needs and interests may be interpreted as a constructive […]

Posted by Tijana Čolović 28 Apr 14

This project engages with the relationship between human and animal habitats. It is concerned with the position of the live stock food production within the city limits;  and investigates  relationship between residential ares and farming landscapes. Moreover the project aims to establish beneficial relationship between recreational grounds, such as city parks and farming land such as grazing field. Although cities occupies only 2 % percent of Earth’s surface, they actually consume 75% of its produce. This is also true for live stock, as it still makes  1/3 of the overall diet of human’s population. Yet, farming is isolated from city […]

Posted by Aleksandar Bursac 28 Apr 14

LIMINAL ECOLOGIES : yielding suburban landscapes
This project investigates the marginal space in the city embodied in suburbia with the aim to ascertain how this space can be used to establish communication between the city and the landscapes that feed it and between people and the natural state and origin of their food. Urban – rural dichotomies in the 21st century have drastically changed the face of suburbia as an idealized housing model into transitional spaces that can be likened to biological ecotones. Just as the ecoton represents the place of conflict between two ecologies, the suburbia represents the place […]

Posted by Djordje Stojanovic 20 Jan 14

Modul M9 Master projekat, 30 ESPB
doc. Djordje Stojanović, ass. Milutin Cerović
Master akademske studije – Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu

Tematski okvir zadatka obuhvata pitanje hrane, odnosno procesa koji podrazumevaju proizvodnju, distribuciju i konzumaciju prehrambenih proizvoda u današnjim gradovima. Kroz rad na završnom projektu, studio nastoji da razotkrije skrivene tokove i obrasce koji povezuju hranu sa […]