1415M01 Design Studio

Posted by Anica Maksić 14 Jan 15

Considering the destabilized position of the processes of preparing and consuming food in a contemporary urban context, the project focuses on reaffirmation of food and food-related processes, through creating a polycentric market, where each new center represents a place to experience a food in a specific way.
The focus of the project is to create a spatial framework for activities related to food, so that food could be experienced as an adventure, and not just as a need.  Several pavilions — specific environments for experiencing food — would be created at the location of Đeram market, with the possibility that each […]

Posted by Ana Maria Gašpar 14 Jan 15

If fresh food, typically sold at the farmers’ markets, was as easily available as fast food kiosks or ATM machines – that is, if a part of the market, a food stall, could be found at almost any part of the city – the need to consume fresh produce would increase. This could be achieved by relocating parts of the farmers’ market to various parts of the city, through displacing a multifunctional food stall where the produce is sold, prepared and consumed. Subsequently, the level of consumption and the level of interest for of healthy foods would increase.
Insertion of […]

Posted by Milan Katic 03 Nov 14

Modul M7.1 Projektantska radionica, 1 ESPB
naziv: Planarne mreže
Milan Katić, docent Djordje Stojanović
8-21. oktobar 2014, kabinet 238 / sala 301
Master akademske studije – Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Osnovni cilj radionice, je bolje razumevanje karakteristika složenih prostornih oblika i spoznaja tehnika  reprezentacije takvih oblika putem primene planarnih mreža. U uvodnom delu radionice, studenti se upoznaju sa osnovama modelovanja u programu Rhinoceros  – tri prostorna modela koji su našli primenu u okvirima projektantske prakse 4od7 će poslužiti kao polazište radionice. Nakon upoznavanja sa osnovama, studenti imaju zadatak da naprave 3D model jedne složene površine na osnovu devet proizvoljnih tačaka. Dalji rad u okviru […]

Posted by Djordje Stojanovic 13 Sep 14

Modul M01 Studio Arhitektura, 15 ESPB
APPETITE FOR CONSTRUCTION: Regional Headquarters for FAO of the UN
docent Djordje Stojanović, saradnik Jelena Pejković
Master akademske studije – Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050, 7 out of 10 people will live in cities. What will life be like in such densely populated places? Will basic resources, such as food, shelter and space, be available to all? The project of the Regional Headquarters for FAO should demonstrate in which way food could serve as the driving force for various activities in urban public spaces. Using architecture […]