The project deals with the topic of designing the city image and representing Belgrade, with a focus on forming new relations between towers and environment, as well as towers and the city. New towers have multilayered character which enables them to always be perceived differently at the silhouette of the city and become new symbols that acts as a magnet for users. This way active city landmark is formed.
Naselje Rudo na Konjarniku vremenom je ustoličeno kao reper i prepoznatljiv segment siluete grada. Međutim, pomenuti karakter nastao je kao oličenje društvenih i političkih okolnosti 70ih godina, čime simološka […]
1415M02 Design Studio
Stewart Brand says: ,,function reforms form, perpetually”.[3] It means, that process in which we shape our buildings, and then our buildings shape us doesn’t have to be a linear process, but a cyclic process. With this idea in mind, my strategy consists of creating a catalogue of furniture intended to support various activities and purposes such as housing, office space, workshops, shops, library, cinema, recreation. This furniture is portable and transformable. Flexibility is achieved within existing structure, but also, possibility for users to choose their lifestyle, relative to their needs and possibilities. In this manner, our building becomes a living […]
The main idea of project is to redefine the internal system of towers, which is characterized by uniform program and spatial organization, in order to achieve more flexible and more active use of space. Design of new envelope will enable this change.
Struktuiranje opne kao okvira nove prostorne i programske organizacije kula: Rekonstrukcija visokih stambenih zgrada u naselju Konjarnik u Beogradu
Projekat se bavi rekonstrukcijom visokih stambenih zgrada u naselju Konjarnik. Osnovna ideja projekta je da se unutrašnji sistem kula, koji odlikuje jednolična programska i prostorna organizacija, redefiniše kako bi se omogućilo fleksibilnije i aktivnije korišćenje prostora. Ovu promenu omogućava projektovanje […]
By dividing the typology of residential tower into several different sub typologies the new vertical structure is being created where user is able to choose a space adequate for his own needs throughout the unit of time. This way, user achieves aspirations for social space, and establishes the platform for homo ludens.
Vertikalni Sociopolis[i]. Projektovanje nove socijalne prostornosti[ii]
Podelom stambene kule na više različitih podtipologija stanovanja stvara se vertikalna struktura u kojoj je korisniku omogućen odabir prostora po sopstvenim potrebama kroz jedinicu vremena ostvarajući time težnju za socijalnim prostorom i uspostavljanje platforme za čoveka koji se igraRead more
Modul M02 Studio Arhitektura, 15 ESPB
Modul M9 Master Projekat, 30 ESPB
The New Gates of Belgrade
docent Djordje Stojanović, saradnik Jelena Pejković, saradnik Nemanja Kordić
Master akademske studije – Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
The studio begins with an analysis of the existing housing megastructure — the East Gates of Belgrade, and continues with designing the New Gates at the same location, based on the research results. The investigation that the students will undertake will include a comparison of housing policies of 1970’s and those of today, and recording of problems that accumulated over the long period of building use without systematic maintenance […]