1112M4 EZ » 1112M4_Emilija_Zlatkovic_01_maketa_01


The building was initiated by the nature of the sponge, which refers to and reflects fundamental changes in operating environment caused by implication of new working practices, and gives consideration to the changing needs of the architecture. Porosity, as the main feature of the sponge, it is translated into a series of activities which allow different ways to connect multiple partition space. Represented activities: reading room with books, multimedia, workshops, meetings, relaxation zone, and other. Considering the complexity of the geometry, the final outcome are union of a “body” specific curvature, closed, not conditionally, in the working polygon which later influenced the creation of the facade, which cuts and holes in the roof allows sufficient light reaching the interior.

Objekat je iniciran prirodom sunđera što se odnosi i odražava fundamentalnim promenama radnog okruženja izazvanih delovnjem novih radnih praksi, i daje u razmatranje promenljive potrebe u arhitekturi. Poroznost, kao glavna odlika sunđera, prevodi se u niz aktivnosti gde različiti načini povezivanja omogućavaju višestruku podelu prostora. Zastupljene aktivnosti: čitaonice sa knjigama, multimedija, radionice, zone druženja i opuštanja i druge. Polazeći od kompleksnosti geometrije, krajnji ishod predstavlja unije “tela” određene zakrivljenosti, zatvorenih, ne uslovno, u okviru radnog poligona koji je kasnije uticao na stvaranje zaseka na fasadi koji kao i otvori n krovu omogućavaju dopiranje dovoljne količine svetlosti u unutrašnji prostor.

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