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Posted by Ana Milicevic 09 Feb 15

Ray Oldenburg defines the third place as something that is neither a home nor place for work; it is a place that serves as an additional income, an additional source of food or merely as a place for a hobby, free time activities or even as a tourist attraction…
Ray Oldenburg definiše third place ili treći prostor/mesto, nešto što nije ni dom ni posao: prostor koji nekome predstavlja dodatni izvor novca, hrane ili mesto za hobi, dodatne aktivnosti, ubijanje dosade, turističku atrakciju…
Belgrade Đeram market as the centre of Food and Agriculture organization is becoming a place that attracts people with new activities […]

Posted by Ana Milicevic 15 Jan 15

Ray Oldenburg defines the third place as something that is neither a home nor place for work; it is a place that serves as an additional income, an additional source of food or merely as a place for a hobby, free time activities or even as a tourist attraction.
At first glance, the above mentioned definition describes the major part of certain activities that have been already seen or offered in a town or city. Setting a new significant activity that will not have a negative influence on those already existing and that will not cause […]