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Posted by Andjela Karabasevic 06 Feb 11

Cultural center is perceived as a mediator between the public and the artists. It’s main role is to inform and educate everyone, and to include culture in our everyday lives. The idea is to design a space which would realize this mediation. By offering access to the roof from every level of the object, a public space is created and the common notion of a roof is redefined. It becomes an open space flowing throughout the whole building. Thus, this void  connects the park in front, the spaces inside the center and the inner private gardens of […]

Posted by Andjela Karabasevic 15 Nov 10

Examining the spatial capacities and limitations of the polygon given for the intervention. The concept of the cultural center with all its complexity compressed within one layer which than acts as a living organism answering to the specific exterior and interior conditions and needs.  Which is the best way to adapt within but also to unobtrusively improve the existing surroundings?
Ispitivanje prostornih kapaciteta i ograničenja poligona predviđenog za intervenciju. Koncept kulturnog centra koji se, sa svom svojom složenošću, sažima unutar jednog jedinog sloja koji se zatim ponaša kao živo biće pokušavajući da odgovori na posebne uslove i potrebe […]