Posted by Djordje Stojanovic 20 Mar 10

0910M5 Studio Agenda

Plan za letnji semestar se nadovezuje na ‘Daleko od kuće’ agendu za školku goidnu 2009/10. Prostorni okvir semestralnog projekta je postojeći objekat Beton Hale u Beogradu koji je u jednom svom delu već doživeo uspešnu prenamenu i rekonstrukciju, a programski okvir projekta se odnosi na dalje razvijanje potencijala objekta uvođenjem kompatibilnih sadržaja. Predviđena je prostorna ekspanzija u vidu nove etaže, ondosno novog sloja koji pored povećanja upotrebne površine ima za cilj uspsotavljanje adekvatanijeg odnos sa okruženjem, rekom sa jedne i Beogradskom tvrđavom sa druge strane. Predloženi pristup se zasniva na razvijanju generativne logike dizajna i razumevanju fenomenologije materijalnosti i forme kroz sinhronizaciju organizacionih, geometrijskih, strukturalnih i energetskih principa oblikovanja.


Graduate Programme, Module: Design Studio M5 2009/10, 18 ECTS
Djordje Stojanović, Milutin Cerović.

Summer term plan will continue developing ‘Far from Home’ agenda set for the 0910 school year. The focus is on the Concrete Hall in Belgrade, a river front building already being transformed from a warehouse to a hub of versatile uses. We will be looking to introduce new and compatible uses and explore any potential for further expansion. The benefits of introducing an additional layer to the existing volume will be assessed against contextual relation with the river on one side and medieval fortress on the other. Suggested take on the topic will be based on the understanding of the material systems and form making though synchronization of organizational, geometric, structural and energy efficient properties.

Image credit: Ivana Damjanović 0809M5 Market Topographies


Reading List

  1. Robin Evans, Translations from drawing to building and other essays, 1997
  2. Stan Allen, Points + lines: diagrams and projects for the city, Princeton Architectural Press 1999
  3. Stan Allen, Practice: architecture, technique and representation, Routledge 2000
  4. Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Diagram Work from ANY no 23, Anyone Corporation 1998
  5. Kostas Terzidis, Algorithmic architecture, Architectural Press 2006
  6. William J. Mitchell The logic of architecture: design, computation, and cognition, 1990
  7. Greg Lynn, Animate Form, Princeton Architectural Press 1999
  8. David Rosenberg, Designing for Uncertainty, unpublished thesis 2009
  9. Patrik Schumacher, Parametricism – A New Global Style for Architecture, Wiley-Academy, 2009
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