Posted by Katarina Mercep 06 Feb 12

1112M4 KM bioAnatomy

Abstracting traditional demands and needs during the library’s design process, as well as synchronizing those parameters, derived new program base.The way in which space communicate with its user, along with a very specific environment, is determined by a mechanism involved in its creation;

body = space

.library // is like a host organism overwhelmed by its parasites, which coexist through a specific way. The way the library is supposed to be used setup a new matrix system of space diferentiation. It is affected by parameter analyses of various positions and proportions of a human body, as well as by questioning the connection of the body or way how can it merge to a surrounding material space.Space is treated as a new landscape, and as that it asks for new consumption approach .gradient // there are no clear boundaries, the space is commodiously shared. Various programs emerge one after another by a chain of reactions triggered by the change of hights, followed by its acoustic and tactile properties, enabling the sequent change from public to private spaces .texture // follows the properties of its organization.

Apstrakovanjem tradicionalnih zahteva i potreba prilikom projektovanja biblioteke, kao i sinhronizacijom istih stvorena je nova programska osnova. Način na koji prostor može da komunicira sa korisnikom i vrlo specifičnim okruženjem, određuje mehanizam koji učestvuje u njegovom stvaranju.

telo = prostor

.biblioteka // je poput organizma koji preplavljen svojim parazitima koegzistira na specifičan način. Njena upotreba, je uspostavila određenu matricu kao sistem diferencijacije prostora. Ona zavisi od parametara koji su uspostavljeni različitim analizama ljudskog tela i načina na koji bi se telo moglo povezati ili stopiti sa materijalnim prostorom. Prostor se posmatra kao novi pejzaž, i zahteva nove, elementarne načine korišćenja .gradijent // ne postoje jasne granice, već je prostor zajednički, dok se zbog velike razlike u visinama a samim tim i akustičnosti, kao i taktilnom osećaju prostor smenjuje od javnog ka privatnim prostorima .tekstura // u službi organizacije.





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