Posted by Katarina Mercep 27 Oct 11

1112M4 KM Interim Pin Up

The first pin up for graduate students 1112M4 , new library for the University of Arts in Belgrade. The library as a new tool for collecting, storing, expanding, and now creating, connecting and using information, today is interpreted through a new architectural framework, using the language of architecture in creating a new, inspiring, interactive, shifting and attractive space. Connectivity and comunication, unconstrained spaces are now becoming advantages, turning former traditional caracteristics into a benefit of an individual, and depending on its needs the space is idealized, designed and built, leaving a “ constructive gap” from an idea to final product, so it can eventually disapear.

Prezentacija radova na predmetu 1112M4 Projekat 1 Biblioteka Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu. Biblioteka kao novi alat u sakupljanju, čuvanju, širenju, a sada i stvaranju, povezivanju i korišćenju informacija, danas se tumači kroz novi arhitektonski okvir, koristeći jezik arhitekture u stvaranju novog, inspirativnog, interaktivnog, promenljivog i primamljivog prostora. Povezanost i komunikacija, bezgranični prostor, sada postaju aduti, i nekadašnje tradicionalne karakteristike se okreću u korist individue i zavisno od potreba prostor se gradi,ili razgrađuje i nestaje.





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