Posted by Marija Josifovic 28 Apr 14





The focus of this thesis is to investigate the role of food consumption as a trigger for an architectural experience, resulting in designing an infrastructure which will serve as base for temporary public events and socializing. The research is based on the notion that we live in a fast paced world today, where we don’t stop often enough to enjoy our daily activities and we’ve somehow ceased to appreciate the fine aspects of things we come to pass with daily such as food, as well as our environment. With this in mind as well as the primarily recreational role of Zvezdara park, this project is to be based on the idea of “slowing the pace down”. Zvezdara park is to become a polygon  for realizing an urban experiment exploring it’s potential in becoming a ‘’third place’’, a place between  our home and office, where we get to relax as well as interact with the environment and each other while being gathered around a social activity like having a meal.

 “Today we witness a time where food and meals move toward performative experiences and where food and meals to a greater extent are social events drifting from the space of the dinner table into the domains of the city.” – A.M.Fisker


Ovaj rad se bavi ispitivanjem uloge hrane kao pokretača događaja u arhitekturi.  Fokus istraživanja je stvaranje prostorne infrastrukture koja omogućava odvijanje privremenih javnih događaja i formiranje društvenih odnosa među korisnicima prostora. Polazište projekta je formirano  na zapažanju da danas ljudi u svoj svojoj užurbanosti  retko zastanu i stvarno uživaju u hrani, kao i u prostoru. U skladu sa rekreativnom namenom šireg okruženja, postavka projekta  na zadatoj lokaciji sadrži ideju ‘’usporavanja’’ . Zvezdarska šuma u projektu postaje poligon  za realizaciju malih urbanih eksperimenata u cilju formiranja ‘’trećeg mesta’’, prostornog okruženja nemanjenog društvenim aktivnostima koje povezujemo sa konzumacijom hrane.



‘’Danas smo svedoci vremena u kome hrana i obroci teže performativnim doživljajima i predstavljaju društvenu aktivnost koja se sve više udaljava od trpezarijskog stola i teži sferi grada.‘’  –  A.M.Fisker


  1. Fisker, A.M, Olsen, T.D. Food, Architecture and Experience Design. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 20, No 1, Nordic Association for Architectural Research, Denmark, 2008
  2. Franck, K. A.  Food and the City. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2005
  3. Horwitz, J.  Meals in-transit. Department of Architecture, Iowa State University
  4. Jaime Horwitz and Paulette Singley (eds). Eating Architecture Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004
  5. Frascari, M.  Semiotica Ab Edendo. Taste in Architecture. Journal of Architectural Education (1984-) 40, no. 1, Autumn, 1986
  6. Hermannsdóttir,H.S,  Søren Bolvig Poulsen, S.B, Fiske, A.M.  What’s cooking? Designing to change food-related behavior. 10th European Academy of Design Conference – Crafting the Future, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark,2012
  7. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B. Making sense of food in performance. In The Senses in Performance. Routledge, UK, 2007
  8. Fisker, A.M. i  Olsen, T.D, Food, Architecture and Experience Design. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 20, No 1, Nordic Association for Architectural Research, Denmark, 2008


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